
Saturday, November 20, 2010

LAELI 2010 - Linguística Aplicada ao Educador de Língua Inglesa - UFPE- 2nd DAY

Hello Teachers!
So here I am to talk about the second day of the LAELI 2010 event. As I already told you about on the last post, lots of talks, presentations, projects were part of this awesome symposium. The second day wouldn't be different. The Friday morning started with a round table about Motivating Students to write in the public sector - an impossible task?with Prof. Ms. Julia Larré as you can see on the pictures below: 

 Here you can also see the PhD Prof. Maria Cristina Damianovic, 
the responsible for the event, and one of the monitors.

In the afternoon, at 3:30 p.m., there were 3 workshops. The one I chose was about A importância da Fonética e Fonologia no Ensino da Língua Inglesa with Prof. Ms. Carlos Leite from Cultura Inglesa. 

The last talk was given by Prof. Ms. Ilana de Belli Claudino, Espec. Antônio José de Almeida Júnior and Espec. Fernanda Araújo Bonfim about Educação Ambiental, História, Geografia do Brasil e Língua Portuguesa: uma rica Experiência Interdisciplinar em Escola Bilíngue. The presentation had a special guest, a 4th grade student who presented for the first time, a project at a university. Check it out!

Prof. Ms. Ilana de Belli

Espec. Fernanda A. Bonfim

Espec. Antônio José de Almeida

There were many other presentations that I couldn't go, because I was attending a meeting somewhere else, in another room! If you did go to LAELI 2010, please leave a comment and let us know your opinion about it.
I would like to thank the PhD Prof. Cristina Damianovic for the event, and for her kind words every time we needed her help. Thanks a lot!
Thank you to Prof. Janaína Luna, who helped me in every way, a great company during the event, a great professional and an awesome Maracatu drum player! LOL
And, of course, it was great seeing all my friends from the American School of Recife again! Congratulations on the project guys!
Let LAELI 2011 come!
See you guys!

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